Published Books of You-zheng Li (1980-2020)
A. Written Works Books in English:
1. The Structure of the Chinese Ethical Archetype,Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 1997 (413pp) 2. The Constitution of Han-Academic Ideology, Peter Lang,,Frankfurt, 1997 ( 309pp) 3. Epistemological Problems of the Comparative Humanities, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 1997 ( 312pp) 4. The Formation of Chinese Humanist Ethics : from a hermeneutic-semiotic point of view , 2 volumes, Enrich Professional Publishing, Singapore/Hong Kong, 2013 (This work is a republication of the above 1 and 2) 5. Organizational Power and Ethical Subjectivity---In light of comparative historical semiotics,Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2019
Books in Chinese:
5. Current Western Film Aesthetics: A Semiotic-Ideological Study (Dang Dai Xi Fang Dian Ying Mei Xue Si Xiang), The Chinese Social Sciences Publishing House, Beijing 1986, (304 pp); The Times Publisher, Taipei, 1991. (336 pp). 6. Introduction to Theoretical Semiotics (Li Lun Fu Hao Xue Dao Lun), The Publishing House of Chinese Social Sciences, Beijing 1993, 1998, (750 pp); The Tonsan Publications, Taipei, 1996-1997. (910pp) 7. Structure and Meaning (Jie Gou yu Yi Yi); The Linkin Publishing Company, Taipei 1994, (477 pp), The Publishing House of Chinese Social Sciences, Beijing 1996, (487 pp). 8. Ethics and Metaphysics: A Critical Analysis of Contemporary German/French Ethical Logic (Lun Li Xue he Xing Shang Xue); The Tonsan Publications, Taipei 1997. (233pp) 9. Ethics of Desire: Freud and Lacan (Yuwang Lunlixue:Fuluoyide he Lakang), Nan Hua Uni Press, Taiwan 1998. (254 pp) 10. Metaphysical Logic and Ontological Nihilism: Contemporary French-German Ethical Epistemology (xiangshang Luoji he Benti Xuwu: xiandai fade lunlixue renshilun yanjiu),The Commercial Press, Beijing, 2000, 2004 (353pp) 11. A Semiotics of History (Lishi Fuhaoxue), Guangxi Normal Uni Press, Beijing 2003 (316pp) 12. (with other authors) Structural Age: A Selection of Papers,(Jiegou de Shidai), Gufeng Publisher Taipei 1985 (209pp) 13. A Hermeneutics of Confucian Ethics,(Renxue jieshixue), National People’s Uni. Press, Beijing, 2004(463pp) 14. History and Ethics,(lishi yu lunli), Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing, 2008(381pp) 15. An Intellectual Memoir,(yiwang xushi), Chongqing Uni Press, 2009(258pp) 16. A Hermeenutics of Ru-Confucianist Ethical Scholarship,(ruxue jieshixue), 2 volumes, Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing, 2009 (2 vol., 949pp) 17.Ren-Humanist Ethics and Semiotics(renxue he fuhaoxue), Chongqing Uni Press, Chongqing, 2011 (376pp) 18. Structure and Meaning (enlarged edition), Chinese Renmin University Press, 2016 19. A Hermeneutic Studies of Confucius Analects and New Renxue (New Humanist Ethics), Chinese Renmin Uni. Press, 2018 (2 vol., 1164pp) The following 5-volume selections of papers, essays, memoir, and comments in Chinese, appear firstly in Websites 2020, including : 1.; 2. www.semioticsli,com 20. Selection of Papers Of Li, vol. 1: Critical Comments of Scholarship 21. Selection of Papers Of Li, vol. 2: Theoretical Semiotics 22. Selection of Papers Of Li, vol. 3: The New Confucian humanist Ethics 23. Selection of Papers Of Li, vol. 4: Memoirs & Records 24. Selection of Papers Of Li, vol. 5: New Yangming Ethics and Modern Theories
B. Translations 1.Jan M. Broekman: Structuralism, the Commercial Press, Beijing, 1980; Gu Feng Company, Taipei.,1983; (expanded edition) National People’s Uni Press , Beijing(with translator’s introduction), 2004 2. Cl. Levi-Strauss: La Pensée Sauvage, 1987,1989 the Commercial Press, Beijing.; Linking Company, Taipei, 1989; ( the Classic Edition), the Commerce Press, Peking., 1989;(in the Works of Levi-Strauss Series), Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing, 2006 3. R. Rorty: Philosophy and Mirror of Nature, the SDX-Joint Publisher, Beijing, 1987.; the Laureat Company, Taipei, 1989; (the Classic Edition) the Commercial Press Beijing, 2003 4. J.Culler: Roland Barthes ( co-translator is Fang ), the SDX-Joint Publisher, Beijing, 1987; the Times Publisher, Taipei, 1990 5. P. Ricouer: Main Trends of Philosophy (with Xu Yichun), the Commercial Press, Beijing, 1988; the Jiegouqun Publisher, Taipei, 1991; (the New Edition), the Commercial Press, Beijing, 2004 6. R. Barthes: Anthology of Roland Barthes (including: Notes sur André Gide et son “Journal”, Zéro Dégrée du Ecriture, Eléments du Simiologie, le Discours de L’histoire, La Tour Eiffel, Leçon inaugurale, and the related articles by Julia Kristeva and Susan Sontag ), the SDX-Joint Publisher, Beijing, 1987; the Laureate Company, Taipei, 1992; 7. C. Metz, U. Eco &. others: Structural and Semiotic Film Theories ( including: 12 papers, ed. , annot, & intro. by Y. Z. Li), the SDX-Joint Publisher, Beijing, 1987; the Laureat Company, Taipei.,1989,(in the expanded edition, including Metz’s talk and Li’s paper “Metz’s Theory and Classifictory Attitude towards film Studies”, both given at the Colloque de Cerisy and published in Christian Metz et La Théorie du cinéma, IRIS, 1990), the SDX-Joint Publisher, Beijing (with translator’s introduction), 2002 8. T. Sebeok: Semiotics of Holmes(including:”You Know My Method”, “Talks between Sebeok and Yamaguchi”, and others), (co-translators are Fang and Lu Chang, proved by Youzheng Li), The Chinese Social Sciences Publishing House, Beijing, 1991 9. E. Husserl: Ideen zu Einer Reinen Phänomenologie und Phänomenologische Philosophie , Erstes Buch (with “Nachwort” 1930; Introductions by Schuhmann & Ricoeur; the complete notes by Ricoeur; phenomenological terms in Chinese, German, English, French and the notes prepared by Youzheng Li), the Commercial Press, Beijing, 1992.; the Laureate Company, Taipei,1994;( in the Classic Edition), the Commercial Press, Beijing, 1996; (in the new edition) , Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing (with Li’s new introduction), 2004 10. R. Barthes: (in the series ofthe Works of Roland Barthes) Le Degree Zero de l’ecriture,Nouveaux Essais Critiques, Leçon inaugurale , Chinese Renmin Uni Press, 2008 11. R. Barthes: (in the series ofthe Works of Roland Barthes) L’adventure Semiologique, Chinese Renmin Uni Press ,2008 12. R. Barthes: (in the series ofthe Works of Roland Barthes)La Tour Effel, Chinese Renmin Uni Press, 2008 13. R. Barthes: (in the series ofthe Works of Roland Barthes) Elements de Semiologie, Chinese Renmin Uni Press , 2008 14. R. Barthes: (in the series ofthe Works of Roland Barthes) La Preparation du Roman, Chinese Renmin Uni Press , 2010 15. R. Barthes: (in the series ofthe Works of Roland Barthes) Sade, Fourier, loyola, Chinese Renmin Uni Press , 2011 16. Bernet, Kern, Marbach, Darstellung seines Denkens, Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing 2011 17. E.Husserl: (in the series of The Works of E.Husserl) Allgemeine Einführung in die Reine Phänomenologie(Ideen zu Einer Reinen Phänomenologie und Phänomenologische Philosophie, Erstes Buch), (revised edition in Chinese), Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing, 2014 18.E.Husserl: (in the series of The Works of E.Husserl) PhänomenologischeUntersuchungen zur Konstitution(Ideen zu Einer Reinen Phänomenologie und Phänomenologische Philosophie, Zweites Buch), 2013 19. E.Husserl: (in the series of The Works of E.Husserl)Die Phänomenologie und die Fundamente der Wissenschaften(Ideen zu Einer Reinen Phänomenologie und Phänomenologische Philosophie , Drittes Buch), Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing, 2013 20. E.Husserl: (in the series of The Works of E.Husserl) Formale und Transzendentale Logik, Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing, 2012 21.E.Husserl:(in the series of The Works of E.Husserl) Allgemeine Einführung in die Reine Phänomenologie (Ideen I, revised edition with supplements), 2014 22.Husserl:Phänomenologische Psychologie, the same Press, 2015 23. Husserl:Erfahrung und Urteil,(finished)the same press, to be published in 2018 24.Husserl:Logische Untersuchungen(V,VI), the same Press, 2018 25. Husserl: Die Bernauer Manuskripte über das Zeitbewusstsein, the same Press, 2019 26. D. Moran: Introduction to Phenomenology, the same press, 2017 27. D.Moran: The Husserl Dictionary, the same press, 2015
C. Editing Works 1. (co-ed. with Prof. Du renzhi), Introduction to 50 Contemporary Western Famous Philosophers, Beijing,1980 2. . (co-ed. with Prof. Du renzhi), Introduction to Another 50 Contemporary Western Famous Philosophers, Beijing, 1983 3. “The Special Issue of Hermeneutic Philosophy”,The Philosophy Translation, Beijing,1985, 4. Advisor and author of the general Introduction, The Works of Cl.Levi-Strauss (16 volumes), Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing, 2006-2009 5. Advisor and author of the general Introduction, The Works of Roland Barthes ( 15 volumes till now), Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing, 2008 - 6. Editor and Translator, The 8-volume-Selected Works of E.Husserl, Chinese Renmin Uni Press, Beijing, 2012 -
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