Interdisciplinary/De-Philosophizing Orientation In Semiotic Theory Today (This outline was published in the Proceedings of the 5th IASS Congress, 1994 Berkeley, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin 1997 ) 1. The difficulty in establishing a general th...
EPISTEMOLOGICAL REFLECTION ON SEMIOTIC APPROACHES: - SEMIOTICS AND THE HUMANITIES * The Scientific orientation of one discipline or one field is not only linked with its internal scientific arrangement but also with its external connections...
Epistemological Reflection on Semiotic Approach: Semiotics and the Humanities ------------------- * This article was originally prepared for the special issue of Chinese semiotics, American Journal of Semiotic Studies, 1995. But finally it...
(The paper was read in the 5 th IASS Congress, Berkeley and published in Semiotic Around World 1995-96, Vienna ) 1. Semiotics as a Discipline or as a Working Field? 2. Divergence of Substantial Aspects vs. Homogeneity of Formal Aspects 3. G...
Verbal Medium and Constitution of Meaning (The paper was read in he International Conference of Media, Kassel, 1995; it was published in Journal of European Semiotics, 1997 ) Summary The article attempts to use the semiotic concept of mediu...
(a concluding lecture at the Beijing Semiotics Congress, March 28, 2004) You-zheng Li The Center for Comparative Civilization Studies, CASS (The paper in both Chinese and English versions will be published in the two proceedings co-edited b...
Verbal Medium and Constitution of Meaning (The paper was read in he International Conference of Media, Kassel, 1995; it was published in Journal of European Semiotics, 1997 ) Summary The article attempts to use the semiotic concept of mediu...
Semiotics in Future (A Statement at the Concluding Sance of the 8th IASS Congress Lyon, July 12, 04) Key Words: semiotics, intercultural, Enlightenment, Chinese, rationality You-zheng Li (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing) -------...
Verbal Medium and Constitution of Meaning (The paper was read in he International Conference of Media, Kassel, 1995; it was published in Journal of European Semiotics, 1997 ) Summary The article attempts to use the semiotic concept of mediu...
The Plenary Speech at the Nanjing 11 th IASS Congress by Youzheng Li Introductory...