Liyouzheng website

  • [Semiotics Theory] Interdisciplinary De Philosophizing Orientation In Semiotic Date:2005-11-04 00:00:00

    Interdisciplinary/De-Philosophizing Orientation In Semiotic Theory Today (This outline was published in the Proceedings of the 5th IASS Congress, 1994 Berkeley, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin 1997 ) 1. The difficulty in establishing a general th...

  • [Semiotics Theory] EPISTEMOLOGICAL REFLECTION ON SEMIOTIC Date:2005-11-04 00:00:00

    EPISTEMOLOGICAL REFLECTION ON SEMIOTIC APPROACHES: - SEMIOTICS AND THE HUMANITIES * The Scientific orientation of one discipline or one field is not only linked with its internal scientific arrangement but also with its external connections...

  • [Semiotics Theory] Epistemological Reflection on Semiotic Approach Date:2005-11-04 00:00:00

    Epistemological Reflection on Semiotic Approach: Semiotics and the Humanities ------------------- * This article was originally prepared for the special issue of Chinese semiotics, American Journal of Semiotic Studies, 1995. But finally it...

  • [Semiotics Theory] What Theoretical Foundation Can Semiotics Have Date:2005-11-04 00:00:00

    (The paper was read in the 5 th IASS Congress, Berkeley and published in Semiotic Around World 1995-96, Vienna ) 1. Semiotics as a Discipline or as a Working Field? 2. Divergence of Substantial Aspects vs. Homogeneity of Formal Aspects 3. G...

  • [Semiotics Theory] Verbal Medium and Constitution of Meaning Date:2005-11-04 00:00:00

    Verbal Medium and Constitution of Meaning (The paper was read in he International Conference of Media, Kassel, 1995; it was published in Journal of European Semiotics, 1997 ) Summary The article attempts to use the semiotic concept of mediu...

  • [Semiotics Theory] Significance and Perspective of the Chinese Western Semiotic Date:2005-11-04 00:00:00

    (a concluding lecture at the Beijing Semiotics Congress, March 28, 2004) You-zheng Li The Center for Comparative Civilization Studies, CASS (The paper in both Chinese and English versions will be published in the two proceedings co-edited b...

  • [Semiotics Theory] Verbal Medium and Constitution of Meaning Date:2005-11-04 00:00:00

    Verbal Medium and Constitution of Meaning (The paper was read in he International Conference of Media, Kassel, 1995; it was published in Journal of European Semiotics, 1997 ) Summary The article attempts to use the semiotic concept of mediu...

  • [Semiotics Theory] Semiotics in Future Date:2005-11-03 00:00:00

    Semiotics in Future (A Statement at the Concluding Sance of the 8th IASS Congress Lyon, July 12, 04) Key Words: semiotics, intercultural, Enlightenment, Chinese, rationality You-zheng Li (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing) -------...

  • [Semiotics Theory] Verbal Medium and Constitution of Meaning Date:2005-10-01 00:00:00

    Verbal Medium and Constitution of Meaning (The paper was read in he International Conference of Media, Kassel, 1995; it was published in Journal of European Semiotics, 1997 ) Summary The article attempts to use the semiotic concept of mediu...

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