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The Kunqu-Opera: A Multi-Structural-Organized Perfor

Date:2012-09-28 10:12Author:youzhengli
The Kunqu-Opera: A Multi-Structural-Organized Performing Art (A explantive Brief for the performance of the Jiangsu Kunqu Troupe at the Openning day of the Nanjing 11 th IASS congress) The Kun-qu Opera (literally: kun=name of a place, qu =


      The Kunqu-Opera: A Multi-Structural-Organized                 

              Performing Art


            (A explantive Brief for the performance of the Jiangsu Kunqu    

             Troupe at the Openning  day of the Nanjing 11th IASS congress)


The Kun-qu Opera (literally: “kun”=name of a place, “qu” = vocal music; namely an opera-genre originating in Kun-Shan county, Jiangsu Province) is regarded as the top-level achievement in the history of traditional Chinese opera and music; it has been included into the List of the Non-Material Cultural Heritage of UNESCO since 2001. As a synthetic performing art Kunqu consists of various elements of music, dancing, poetry, drama and painting. Based on a long formative history it was well shaped 400 years ago and maintained its creative development for the next 200 years. Despite an ever-weakening process since then Kunqu has effectively survived till today. It is interesting to note that this historical performing art is characterized by its multiply structuralized composition and therefore also become a typical object of the art-semiotic studies. The Jiangsu Kunqu Troupe, that will stage a set of kunqu scenes for the international participants at the Nanjing 11th IASS Congress, is one of the six Kunqu-Opera centers in China.


Kunqu Opera is an artistic system of signs and signification, implying its strictly regulated “vocabulary” and “grammar”. It is a multiply patterned performing art that is different from the Western opera by its more synthetic and formalistic constitution as well as by its relatively less dramatic incorporation. It is an performing art with a strong  formalized styles and a poetic symbolism, while on the other hand its literary and dramatic parts mainly play a supportive role as the background and framework within which the three main elements of vocal music, dancing and poetic reciting  play their reciprocally matching roles. The central part of the Kunqu art is even mainly embodied in the bilateral cooperative performance of singing and dancing as such. Simply, kunqu can even be just called an art of singing and dancing. And both singing and dancing here are taken in an expanded sense. The former contains the vocal music and the musically operated pronunciation and reciting on the basis of the Chinese unique Four-Tone phonetics, and the latter includes the dancing and a variety of body movements with delicately stylized facial expressions and finger gesture language. All these processes of singing and dancing are performed according to the strictly patterned and delicately stylized rules and schemes. The musical patterns of the Kunqu have both static and dynamic dimensions, which consist respectively of the fixed reservoir of several hundreds of tune-types and a particular set of selective tune-types for a single performance.  All those stylized rules and their artistically creative performances are realized through the highly skilled actresses and actors who are also classified into several fixed types. Thus the Kunqu art lives on the qualified playing of the performers. And a performance of Kunqu is similar to a creative realization of the organically selected set of patterned rules of different performing media.

      The Kunqu is in essence a lyrical opera, instead of a musical drama, but its poetic spirit is displayed at two levels: at the denotative level the lyrical content is expressed directly by the semantic part of libretto, while at the connotative level its lyrical part is symbolically expressed through the artistic way of the mutually matching performance of singing and dancing movements. The poetic-symbolic aspect of Kunqu is even more realized by those non-verbal media: vocal music and body movement. Therefore there exists a lyrical-semantic stratification in Kunqu with its top layer of esthetic mood and poetic-emotional sublimation. The latter can only be attained by the highly skilled playing of actors. This specially organized poetic spirit of Kunqu conforms to the same lyrical essence shared by all other traditional categories of Chinese literature and arts.

     A semiotic analysis of the Kunqu opera can more effectively help explaining its true aesthetic mechanism and its historical vicissitudes from a hermeneutic-anthropologic point of view. Any commercialized attempt based on an aesthetic-epistemological misconception to rashly revise the innate structure and traditionally fixed performing manners of the Kunqu could lead to the damage of its essential status . From a cultural-scientific angle an urgent task of the present-day Kunqu art problem lies in effectively preserving its original constitution, that relies on the strict training of the Kunqu performers during our modernized period. An emerging Kunqu-semiotics could more deeply help us grasp the related theoretical and practical problems.











