Update of Youzheng Li’s scholarly writings (finished in 2021) in Chinese to be published officially (to appear in the ISCWPNewsletter,International Society of Chinese-Western Philosophy) (The following two articles can be found also in the Chinese part of the website www.semioticsli.com)
1)”’To the conscience’ is the new ‘three ethical principles’: In terms of historical-semiotic/hermeneutic analyses” (the paper is presented to the Third Wang Yangming Conference in Gangzhou, Jiangxi; October 2021) to be published in the conference proceedings The following is the title in Chinese with the content 鑷磋壇鐭ヤ负浠佸浼︾悊瀹炶返瀛︿箣“鏂颁笁绾” ----浠庡巻鍙茬鍙峰-瑙i噴瀛﹁搴﹁В鏋 锛2021骞10鏈堣担宸炵涓夊眾闄囧崡闃虫槑瀛﹀ぇ浼氳鏂囩ǹ锛pp 68 ( manuscript pages)
銆愭湰鏂囩畝鐩 锛堜竴锛夋濇兂鍙插垎鏋愬伐鍏风畝杩 1锛変粊瀛︿笌鍎掑锛氫簩鑰呭湪浼犵粺“鏂囩尞璇█”涓殑閫氬父鎰忔寚涓庡叾鍦ㄧ幇浠“鐮旂┒璇█”涓綔涓虹鍚嶄笌姒傚康鐨勬剰鎸囦笉鍚 2锛夐亾寰峰涓庝鸡鐞嗗锛氭湰鏂囪杩颁腑浜岃呬负涓嶅悓瀛︾涔嬪悕绉 3锛夊巻鍙1鍩熶笌鍘嗗彶2鍩燂細鍘嗗彶杩囩▼涓庝骇鐗╀箣鍔熻兘涓婏紙鑰岄潪鐜拌薄涓婏級鐨勪簩鍒嗘硶 锛堜簩锛夊湪閬撳痉瀛-浼︾悊瀛︿袱鍩熶腑鐨勯槼鏄庡績瀛 1锛夎В閲婂鐨勫巻鍙茶娉 2锛夋柊浠佸涔“鏂”瀛楀啀璁 3锛夋柊闃虫槑瀛︿腑“鏂”瀛椾箣涔 4锛夊彜鍏稿疄璺佃涓庣幇浠e疄璺佃 锛堜笁锛夐槼鏄庡涓庝粊瀛﹁繕鍘熻 1锛夐槼鏄庡績瀛︿綔涓轰富浣撹嚜鐢辨剰蹇楅夋嫨瀛 2锛夋湵鐜嬪紓鍚岃锛氶亾寰峰涓婂悓涓锛屼鸡鐞嗗涓婄浉寮 3锛夊悜鑷抽珮浠峰艰寖鐣“浠”涔嬪綊鍏 锛堝洓锛夊啀鑰冩湵鐜嬪紓鍚岃鍙婂ぇ瀛︽敼鏈棶棰 1锛変粠澶у鏀规湰鐪嬪剴瀛﹀鏈鐐规紨鍙 2锛夌幇浠e浗瀛︿笌闃虫槑瀛︾殑鐩稿叧“璁鹃” 3锛夋湵瀛愮紪鍐欍婂洓涔︺嬪強鏀瑰姩“澶у”鐨勭悊鐢 4锛夌帇闃虫槑閲嶈В“澶у”瀛楅潰涔嬬悊鐢 5锛夐槼鏄庡績瀛︿笌鍎掓暀鎵瑰垽 6锛夊叧浜庡ぇ瀛﹁鲸鍙婃湵鐜嬪鐞嗗紓鍚岀殑灏忕粨 锛堜簲锛夊績瀛︿笁绾查涓庝粊瀛︿汉鏍煎 1锛変粊瀛﹁繕鍘熻鐨勫绉嶈〃鐜 2锛夎嚧鑹煡浣滀负鍐呭疄璺垫縺鍙戝姏 3锛夊績瀛︿箣瀹炰笌瀛︽湳涔嬪疄锛涜嚧鑹煡涓庢槑鏈+鏋 锛堝叚锛夊皬缁擄細鍐嶈皥鑷磋壇鐭ョ殑鐜颁唬鎰忎箟
2)”In retrospect to my academic contacts with international semiotic activities over past 40 years” To be published in the journalLanguage and Signs 锛in Chinese锛,Autumn Issue, 2021, The Tianjin University of Foreign Languages (the following is the title in Chinese) 鍥炲繂鎴戜笌鍥介檯绗﹀彿瀛︿氦寰鐨勮繖鍥涘崄骞 ----鐣ヨ皥“浠涔堟槸绗﹀彿瀛︼紵”涔嬮棶 pp.20 (Edit:youzhengli) |