A Selection of Edmund Husserls Works (in Chinese) Youzheng Li (Trans.) The Chinese Renmin University Press, Beijing, (2012- ) 1. Formale und Transzendentale Logik 2. Allgemeine Einfhrung in die Reine Phnomenologie (Ideen I) 3. Phnomenologis...
鏉庡辜钂告渶杩 5 骞撮棿瀛︽湳钁椾綔瀹屾垚鍜屽彂琛ㄦ竻鍗 锛2007-2013锛 (Recent Publications by Youzheng Li, between 2007-2013) 鍏卞洓绫伙細A钁椾綔涔︾睄锛孊缈昏瘧涔︾睄锛孋鑻辨枃璁烘枃锛孌涓枃璁烘枃 A 銆傝憲浣滀功绫 1 锛 The Formatio...
The Speech at the Concluding Session of the 11 th IASS Congress (October 9, 2012 Morning) Youzheng Li The Concluding Session of the 11th IASS Congress. From left to right: YouZheng Li, Eero Tarasti, Jose maria Paz Gago, Xingbin. Photography...
A Sketch of Professor Youzheng Li, Vice President of International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS) ...